ONE DAY ONLY- Same Day Appointments

Thurs?day,? Novem?ber 6th the Fall Set will be avail?able all day from 10am to 5:?30pm for the FALL QUICKIES promo?tion menti?oned HERE.

Kind of like walk-ins, but you need to conta?ct me at custo?mers@?renee?gphot?ograp?hy.?com or (?360)? 632-?3027 to let me know what time you will be comin?g & to get direc?tions?.? That way there isn’t a huge line at my door.

$10 sessi?on fee: 15 minut?es,? up to 5 kids,? no minim?um order? amoun?t requi?red & 15% off your order?.?

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