A Gift for The Holidays: Twins

This brother & sister duo came in at about 4 weeks old. And in normal twin fashion, as one slept the other was wide awake. As one was mellow and cooperative the other was stretching and and wouldn’t sit still. But we snuggled and wait, and well, I even got pee’d on. I can’t remember which one of those little cuties did it. But, I am just grateful that I decided to move from where I laid my camera. To see one more adorable image of these two, click HERE to visit my Facebook page.

Renee Giugliano Photography, Whidbey Island, OpLove, Operation Love Reunited, Oak Harbor, Washington, Children, Newborn, Babies, Pregnancy, Maternity, Birthday, Family, Pictures, Portraits, Professional, Photographer, School Pictures, Military, Navy
Renee Giugliano Photography, Whidbey Island, OpLove, Operation Love Reunited, Oak Harbor, Washington, Children, Newborn, Babies, Pregnancy, Maternity, Birthday, Family, Pictures, Portraits, Professional, Photographer, School Pictures, Military, Navy
Renee Giugliano Photography, Whidbey Island, OpLove, Operation Love Reunited, Oak Harbor, Washington, Children, Newborn, Babies, Pregnancy, Maternity, Birthday, Family, Pictures, Portraits, Professional, Photographer, School Pictures, Military, Navy
Renee Giugliano Photography, Whidbey Island, OpLove, Operation Love Reunited, Oak Harbor, Washington, Children, Newborn, Babies, Pregnancy, Maternity, Birthday, Family, Pictures, Portraits, Professional, Photographer, School Pictures, Military, Navy
Renee Giugliano Photography, Whidbey Island, OpLove, Operation Love Reunited, Oak Harbor, Washington, Children, Newborn, Babies, Pregnancy, Maternity, Birthday, Family, Pictures, Portraits, Professional, Photographer, School Pictures, Military, Navy
Renee Giugliano Photography, Whidbey Island, OpLove, Operation Love Reunited, Oak Harbor, Washington, Children, Newborn, Babies, Pregnancy, Maternity, Birthday, Family, Pictures, Portraits, Professional, Photographer, School Pictures, Military, Navy

Anna-Karin - Sweet babies! How adorable are they and I especially love the little tie on the brother. He looks so grownup with that lol.

Kelly Wilson - Oh Renee! These are precious! I bet mom and dad are thrilled with the pictures 🙂 And what adorable babies!

Jenny Ruddle - Oh how adorable, love your colours here!

Lina - Gorgeous! Great work!

Anita Scheftner - Adorable!

Nicole Wilson - They are precious. I love the one of the little girl with the purple wrap…she is like “oh, take my picture”.

Robbie - Wow great job with these two little sweeties! These images are precious!

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