Am I Staying or Going?

Good question! Originally, we were told my husband was given orders to a particular squadron meaning that we were going to be here for another 4 years.

But, when the Chief results came out, he was told that his billet was filled and now he had to choose somewhere else. He chose another squadron here on the island.

Even though the detailer said he’s “good to go”, we have not received anything in writing. The Navy is in a bind right now with financing, and we are thinking that we will get some kind of confirmation in October (new fiscal year).

I have had many inquiries for 1st birthdays and newborns in the new year. I will take reservations, but no deposits until I have those written orders in my hand confirming our stay here on the island.

Thank you so much for your patience and understanding with this. We have been here for 12 years. This is our home and we hope we can stay. But we are military, and do understand that it may not be possible.

So, keep your fingers crossed, say a little prayer… and I promise to update the blog with news as soon I get it!

Gracie - My Dear Renee,
Yes, I will keep you all in my prayers asking the Lord to do his will in your life. I hope you do get to stay there in Washington, but if not the Lord know where He needs you to be. Trust Him. Everything is but for a season. I am sure if you have to leave the Island everyone is going to miss your family. I hope if you do have to move it will be near the family here in Calif, I know as a mother that’s what I would like!! But I leave it in God hands.

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