Class of 2010 – UCSB (Part Two)

As mentioned in the previous post, we also did a few images of Peas with her brother & her mom (my sister). So, as promised, I wanted to show a few of those.

I am the youngest of 5 children. And these kiddos are from my sister “M” who is 4 years older than me. So, we shared a room until the day she was married. Of course, with that, we shared toys, pillows, (sometimes beds), laughter, tears, wars against the boys and so much more. We have always been close. When we were young, it was forced upon us. Now that we are older, it’s a necessity.

I am very proud of my sister. She has overcome so much in her life, from a young child to where she is now. Although we both seek each other for advice, a should to cry on or an ear to vent to, most of the time, those conversations always end up with us laughing. Either at each other or at someone else. I am so grateful when she comes to visit me and I will never stop hounding her about moving up here. One day girl – you will not be ale to resist it anymore!

I look forward to growing old and continuing to have the same types of conversations then that we have now. Thank you for always encouraging me, reminding me when to stop and pray and never failing me as a sister. I love you! Here are your crazy kids and my favorite image of the session which is the last shown. (and yes… I am in tears too)

wendy amadio - your fam is so cute!!! LOVE THEM!

Betty Berg - Looks like a fun session!

Krysia - These are sooo much fun. I love them.

Pam - What terrific captures!

Lauralee - Really fun session! Beautiful family. 🙂

Melanie - WOW! she seems so young to have those kids!
Beautiful clean images and great emotion! wtg!

cristina thornburg photography - Love ’em! Great job, Renee!

Heather - How fun!!! I love the first one!

Christy B - You can just see the love and fun coming through in the images. Love them all.

sandra lemin - These are so cute beautiful images!

Andrea - Fun, fun shots, love these.

Maricella - Thank you so much, my beautiful sister, you know you mean so much to me. Your still a BRAT, making me cry at work. I love all the pictures, my favorite is Priscilla wrapping her arms around Danny. So funny I have the opposite picture of them when they were younger 6 & 4 years old.

Ellen Dykstra - Love, love the emotion and personality you’ve captured in these!

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