Guess What? Another Newborn – Baby Boy “C”

I had three newborns come  in a week part the last few weeks. Such a pleasure to be able to snuggle with them a little while prepping them for their next pose, helping out with soothing or just giving mom and dad a little break. Baby C came in at about 2 weeks old. He stayed asleep throughout most of the session. But even though he was asleep, he preferred not to be posed or touched much. So, we had to watch and wait and then slowly prepare him into the pose we wanted. He did so great that mommy & daddy were able to incorporate some favorite items into the session to make it unique and completely “them”. To see one of my favorite images with some of their items, click HERE to view the image on my Facebook page. Thank you so much for choosing me for your pregnancy and newborn portraits. It is such a joy to be a part of these precious moments!

Renee Giugliano Photography, Oak Harbor, WA Photographer specializing in Pregnancy Newborn & Children
Renee Giugliano Photography, Oak Harbor, WA Photographer specializing in Pregnancy Newborn & Children
Renee Giugliano Photography, Oak Harbor, WA Photographer specializing in Pregnancy Newborn & Children
Renee Giugliano Photography, Oak Harbor, WA Photographer specializing in Pregnancy Newborn & Children
Renee Giugliano Photography, Oak Harbor, WA Photographer specializing in Pregnancy Newborn & Children

Greg MacLaine - Wonderful pictures of my grandson and his parents

Kathy Kinnon - Aaawwwww, so cute! 🙂

Fawn Brown - That's my grandson!

Gayle L. Shinn - love all the pics!!

Alyssa H - Great pics! You guys make a great family 🙂

Barb Fletcher Smith - Just beautiful!

Trish Buchholz Archimbaud - absolutely love these photos.

Katie Mac Laine - I absolutely love them all! It was great watching from behind the scenes!

Stephanie Kallan Koerner - How can you not spend a fortune on these pictures? They are great! Agree with Rose re: rings, pretty cool!

Rosemary Boden MacLaine - Great pictures! I love them all! Rings on the toes – how unique.

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