Little Miss “M” – 3 months old

Beautiful little “M” is now on the Inch By Inch [Baby’s 1st Year] plan. Mom signed her up a few weeks after her newborn session. I almost wasn’t able to fit her in, but due to some school schedule changes, an extra slot opened up! YAY! I am so excited to be able to watch her grow and be a part of her 1st year!

For the 1st half of the session, she was all smiles. But being a supermodel is hard work, and as time went on, she was very tired and ready to call it quits. So, we did. And once she was snuggled up in her car seat, she was much more happy and relaxed. Overall though, she was a trooper while we moved her here and there to capture her charming personality in between trying to eat everything that touched her little chin. 🙂 I can’t wait to see her again in a few months.



Melissa Rieke Photography - darling baby pictures!! She is a beauty and your work is fabulous!!

CONNIE WILLIAMS - So cute!! Such beautiful blue eyes.

Angela Harris - LOVE the hat! she’s gorgeous :0)

Angel - She is so precious, and the pictures are amazing!

Amanda - Adorable! Can’t wait to see the rest of them.

M Perez - Beautiful eyes. Love all the pics.

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