Mommy Goggles: Exposed

Recently I applied to be added to the registry of  “Take off Your Mommy Goggles” (  It was quite intimidating. Why? In order to be added, I needed to fill out an application, submit proof of my “legal operating” business and have my work & pricing reviewed by 3-5 professional photographers to meet the standards.


So, now I am listed in their registry as an approved Professional Photographer that has done “the grunt work and gained valuable skills in a variety of photography and business aspects.”

And it’s true, I have worked hard. I didn’t just pick up a camera and hoped for the best. To this day, I am constantly learning, constantly challenging myself, constantly pushing myself to stand out amongst photographers, both legal and illegal that surround me. Now, don’t get me wrong… we all start somewhere. I wasn’t a “pro” overnight. But I didn’t start charging and call myself a “pro” because a few people told me I took good pictures.

So, this is where “Take off Your Mommy Goggles” comes in. Have you heard that expression? I did – A LOT. When learning the technical side of this business, I had to learn to not look at that cute smile and gorgeous eyes, but look at the image as a whole. Unfortunately, in today’s digital world, “Mommy Goggles” get fogged up and true artistic talent is bypassed for inexpensive & tolerable results.

“Take off Your Mommy Goggles” is for photographers and consumers. You will learn what it really takes, what it really costs and why. You will learn how to spot a true professional and why it’s important to invest your memories on someone who knows what they are doing.

I am proud to be on the registry. I have received wonderful feedback from the developers and look forward to putting their advice into action. So, check out “Take off Your Mommy Goggles“. Find a professional photographer in your area and/or encourage your current photographer to apply to be on the registry.

Heather - Thank you so much, Renee, for your positive comments on the Take Off Your Mommy Goggles site. I can tell from our conversations via email that you care a lot about your business – and your clients are very lucky to have a true Professional Photographer to preserve their memories 🙂

Erica Porter - Congrats, Renee! But I hope that the fact that you were approved is not what makes you feel good as a photographer. You have tons of clients that LOVE and APPRECIATE what you do and the amazing photographer that you are! This is just a nice extra 😉 But we all knew that you rock already, hehe!

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