Operation: Love ReUnited

Many of you may have seen my posts on Facebook & Twitter or maybe you noticed the new banner (like the one above) on the bottom of this blog for “Op:Love”.

“What is ‘Op:Love’?” you ask.

Op:Love (Operation: Love ReUnited) is a federal non-profit organization of professional photographers that have joined together to offer our military men and women FREE special sessions with their families. These patriotic sessions are designed to boost the morale of our service men and women in times of deployement. Military families are eligible for two sessions per year per deployment.

If your loved one is about to be deployed or is currently deployed, as an OpLove photographer, I will be able to offer you at no cost:

  • A patriotic session with you and your family (pre deployment) OR an “already gone” session of your family to send to your service member (I am unable to offer Homecoming Sessions at this time)
  • A 4×6 album directly sent to your deployed service member
  • 10% off additional prints/products from your Op:Love session
  • Plus the regular services/amenities as my regular sessions: such as private online gallery, customizations, etc.

I am still working on getting this fitted into my schedule as well as the details of how it works and what is required. Because of this, I am not able to take in any Op:Love sessions at this time. I know there will be a high demand in our area for this service, unfortunately I will be very limited as to how many sessions I may be able to offer per month. (Please remember, that my schedule is already always booked about 2 months ahead of time)

If you are a professional photographer, and would like to join Op:Love, please click HERE. Hopefully, other local photographers will join Op:Love also and we will be able to serve more of the families that sacrifice so much for all of us!

Sarah M - Renee, Thank you for wanting to make yourself available for such a needed cause! What a true blessing you are to our community! Its a shame Dave the boys and I will be leaving in July! Ill miss having such and amazing experience for family pics! God Bless and good luck!

Mari Perez - What a beautiful gift you are giving to those families…who deserve it the most. Thank you to all those who serve our country.

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