She Became a Mommy Today

This first time mommy  & daddy had their baby girl TODAY! I meant to get these out a little sooner, but I have not been feeling well and have had to force myself to rest. But, I was able to gather energy this evening. So, I just had to share this beautiful couple!

Mom had actually called me about a 2 months prior to schedule a session, but I was currently full and unable to fit her in. But then, she called back, hoping for a cancellation and sure enough, about 15 minutes earlier that day, someone did cancel. So, she took their spot and VOILA! Isn’t she just stunning? And of course, we can’t forget daddy! You could tell they were so excited for their family to grow and already so in love with their baby girl. Their joy has me so anxious, I can’t wait to meet her. Mom signed up for my 1st Kick to 1st Birthday session plan. So, we will be seeing her every 3 months after her newborn session. I’m so excited to be a part of their lives for the next year! (Hope they don’t get tired of me ooh’ing and ahh’ing over their little girl) Congratulations mom and dad!


Caryn Scanlan - Beautiful!

Paula - What a beautiful maternity session! Love that last image…stunning!
Congratulations to the new family.

Christy Johnson - Oh my, these are just gorgeous!

PamN - Absolutely stunning!

Lina - Beautiful captures, such sweet moment of their lives. Gorgeous!

Mari - Beautiful & Stunning pics. Love them all.

Amy Rader - They were so fortunate to get you. Love the one with the Dad’s cheek on her belly. Very sweet.

Heather Puett - So gorgeous. The last one is breath taking!

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