Whimsicals – What are they?

They are portraits that are given a special artistic and whimsical look. They are each one of a kind and made by me. Whimsicals are made to be a large wall print, and are only sold in sizes 10×13 & larger. You may choose the portrait you’d like to have made or I can choose one for you. Either way, the process takes from 2-5 days to complete. I take my time with these, gathering ideas & inspiration from everything around me. Here’s the most recent one I made for the Rose family. First is the before photo and then the after. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

Jess - This is so beautiful – great job!

Melanie - Great explanation, and beautiful!

Sara Beth - beautiful, love your whimiscal! Great work!

Stacy - So beautiful and romantic – love the colors.

Tennille King - Wonderful concept – definitely beautiful art for the wall!

Kim Bradfod - That is so sweet Renee! I look forward to seeing more of your Whimsicals!!!

mom - They are both very beautiful pictures,
you sure do good work.

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